Monday, May 31, 2010

Its officially summer!

Mom and dad bough us our 1st pool! we had so much fun yesterday!
Mikey lovin the pool
Michaella lovin the pool


Saturday, May 29, 2010

5 Reasons wy I'd choose labor than teething....

5. You still get to watch TV and blog

4. you get to be waited on hand and foot

3. in theory the pain should only last 24 hrs max where as teething can be weeks or longer!!!

2. The sound of your baby's screams feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest!

1. The drugs they make for labor are WAY better than some stupid oragel and tylenol!!!!

Please pray Mikeys top teeth come in ASAP!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Daddy's bad outfit choice

The title says it all. Daddy decided to dress Michaella in pants and a shirt, no problems there. Well when she needed a new shirt, leave it to daddy, since there wasn't one right there he put a onesie on her. One would have thought that he would have taken her pants off and put it on right, but nope not daddy. Michaella's face says it all.

Mikey even is surprised at his father's lack of forethought to his sister's outfit.

Mikey was so ashamed he had to cover his face.

Daddy's clothing choice in all its glory.

1st trip to the Park with Grandma too!!!

So grandma came down to see mommy and us!! It was such a surprise! We love our grandma, and she did something that we haven't done yet. She not only took us to the park and we got to play on swings, which by the way WE LOVE!!! staying on them for over an hour!!!, but she then took us out to a cool ice cream place where she let us sit in big girl and boy seats!! It was so cool, we love our grandma.

I love my grandma, but I still think I look like a giant bumblebee in this outfit.

I'm so pretty in my sundress mommy!!

And Uncle Phil stopped by to see the M&M's when he was in town, but Mikey was sleeping like a rock so he didn't get to spend anytime with him, it was a short visit..BUT Michaella loves her uncle Phil. She spent the entire time in his arms laughing, smiling and cooing away!!

The end of the bouncy seat era

So early in May we rapidly realized the bouncy seat, a time tested friend of mommy and daddy which could almost always keep the M&M's asleep when they needed a long nap, was approaching its end time. Here is Mikey in his, which doesn't look bad from this angle but which is almost touching in the back due to how big he has gotten. But that was mainly due to the dogs bending it so it was fixed by daddy. But then we saw what Michaella had started to do when she was in her bouncy seat.

Michaella likes to workout while in hers, and when that doesn't work for her she then tries to ..

break out. She has been found several times halfway off the seat, and in one instance slid out of the seat to play on the floor.

This picture is from early May, but you can see how big they are getting! Mikey weighed in at 19lbs 13 oz and Michaella was 18lb 12oz on May 20th. Both are in size 9 month clothing now, with mikey fitting in to lots of 12 month things.

Update May 2010

So the blog hasn't been updated for a little while, and daddy was looking at all the great pictures mommy has been taking and thought why should we keep all of these from everyone else? Daddy then took it upon himself to update the blog with multiple posts today, all of the updates are with pictures from May 2010.

Since the last update in April Mikey has 2 bottom teeth fully in with his 2 top teeth coming in, been two weeks of wakeful nights so mommy and daddy have fingers crossed that soon they pop all the way through soon. But that idea and reprieve of the teeth coming in will probably be short lived since it appears, even though the dentist/doctors/friends/family/etc say its still a little early, it appears that his next two lower teeth are getting ready to make their debut.

Michaella has been at a lady like pace, taking her time coming into this whole teeth thing. She currently has her lower teeth coming in, both through the skin. Her upper gums are tender so we are seeing the pattern of her being about 2-3 weeks behind Mikey in her teething progression, soooooooooooooooo that means that when Mikey feels ok with his teeth Michaella will be roaring about hers. Lets just say that mommy and daddy have bought stock in oragel and Tylenol. Both kids have been battling their fair share of colds associated with starting daycare, and combine that with teething almost the entire month of May they have still been in a fairly good mood.

Both are now sitting up with no support and playing for extended periods of time, drooling like a leaky faucet but enjoying themselves thoroughly. Mikey has mastered the art of rolling finally, although he is still content on his back only rolling when he feels like it. Michaella has progressed to attempting to crawl, army crawl is more like it however she hasn't figured out how to move her arms to keep her from face planting and pushing her head into the ground. They now use their walkers on a daily basis, spending hours some days playing, rolling around and harassing the dogs.

Both now enjoy taking a walk as big boys and girls in their stroller without the carseats. Mikey we have found though must be in the front since he likes to kick the seat in front of him, and his sister doesn't like that all that much. They both have also found that their puppies, lexi and pepsi, bring them never ending amounts of joy as whenever they see them both Mikey and Michaella laugh and laugh and laugh. Both dogs have reacted wonderfully to being pulled/grabbed/punched/pinched/drooled on. That probably is because both dogs love to lick extra food, spilled food, and messy bibs that come from these little humans.

Mikey taking a break in his bumpo seat while his Lexi watches over him.
Mikey reading up on what his sister has planned for the next month.

Mikey has also found his toes are a never ending sense of wonder, holding them whenever he can or whenever he remembers that they are there!

Michaella just staring off at Mommy with her big blue eyes.

Hard days work playing with mommy and daddy and Michaella and the dogs and my toys and this bouncy seat is getting to small for me mommy.

Mikey helping his sister read a storybook before bedtime.
Dad said I look like a giant bumble bee, Mommy said I don't but yellow/black horizontal stripes might not be the best look for me!

I love my sundresses that mommy bought for me,they look so cute on me.

As noted by the drool covered onesies teething is still in full force as off early May 2010

Michaella breaking out

So Michaella has started to try to crawl, well push her face into the ground and hope for the best. She started off on the mat, and as you can see by her brother, tried to get away. Mikey was so concerned for his sister that he played possum to try and distract mommy and daddy from his sister' s big jailbreak.

Michaella got only as far as the wood floor before she realized crawling was hard work and gave up.

Its much easier to sit on the mats and play with each other than crawling it was decided.

Mommy and Mikey aka Fohawk has arrived

So here I am a big boy taking a bath with Mommy. My hair is sooo long now and Mommy just loves that fact since she gives me a cool fohawk during each bath. I love my mommy so much.

I love my mommy and laugh while she gives me a bath since she makes funny faces and sounds to keep me busy.

I am a lady's man with this toothy grin and cool hair style.

But the only lady for me is my Mommy, she is so good to me.