Friday, May 22, 2009

What do i LOVE about being pregnant besides the amazingness that i am growing a little human inside me......
1) my nails are growing like crazy!!!!!! I just went to the nail place & treated myself to my 1st ever manicure (yes that's my own nails & I even had them trimmed!!!!) I also splurged and treated myself to a pedicure... i think i may do this more often.
2) i have an excuse to grow a giant belly!!!
3) how special i feel to have the ability to carry a child in my belly!

What part of being pregnant i could live w/o.....

1) the indigestion... if its not gas it bloating or heartburn!!!!
2) the acne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like i am in high school all over again but worse!
3) being fat! I feel like i am at that stage where i don't look pregnant just fat!
4) the heat is worse than ever... :(
5) sleepless nights... and having to pee 2-3 times a night ugh!! at least its making me ready for when baby comes!!
6) the hormones! Lets just say i would not want to be on the other end of my attitude! Poor Mikey is being a trooper and trying to be as polite to me as possible.

Over all i love being pregnant despite the heartburn and sleepiness haha. I feel so blessed to have the ability to have this experience. I cannot wait until i can feel the baby move! One day at a time!

So here it is... my belly 13 weeks! This is Mikey's best attempt at taking my belly picture... not the most attractive but cute non the less!

I feel giant!!! i feel like my belly shouldn't be this big?? Cant say i am gaining much weight i think. Last doc visit I only gained 3 pounds... not too bad i guess? Not great but not bad? Trying to eat healthy and gain good weight but easier said than done!


Monday, May 18, 2009

It's Official.... 2nd Trimester!!!!!

Its official we are now in the 2nd trimester!!! woo hoo! Today we are 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant!!! I'm so excited to finally be out of the super scary stage of 1st trimester and into sorta scary 2nd trimester. What I mean by that is now that i am in my 2nd trimester I still worry that the baby is ok but my chances of miscarriage have significantly decreased!! WHEW!!!

This week the baby is about the size of a peach... so cute! According to what i have read the baby's proportions are now much closer to an average humans. The head is now 1/3 the size of its tiny little body! The teeth and vocal cords are now forming and the baby has tiny little finger prints!! Our little one is growing so fast! I personally think the fun and exciting part of the 2nd trimester is the rapid growth baby goes through. The baby will go from a tiny little peach size to the size of a melon!!

I so desperately want to see my baby!! The days are crawling by until our 1st ultra sound! I cannot wait to get that first picture to share w/ everyone... how exciting will that be!!

Its nice to see Mike looking at me more like the mommy I am. Now that my belly is actually starting to look like I am pregnant and not just super bloated I think he is really getting excited. I find him touching my belly more and more the bigger i get! I cannot wait until he gets to feel the baby move!! I know that day will be so special for him!

I have more pictures at home I want to share... so more updates later! We miss everyone very much and we are finally looking forward to sharing this amazing news with the rest of our family and friends!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

12 week check in.....

12 weeks and 5 days today (05/12/09)!!! The baby is about the size of a plum and now shifts into the "growth and maturation" stage. Almost all of the baby's systems are now fully formed. According to what I have read the baby is now working on his/her reflexes by opening and closing their fingers, curling their toes, clenching his/her eyes, and making a sucking motion with their mouth... how cute!!!. And get this... if i poke my belly the baby will actually squirm (but i cant feel it yet not until 16-22 weeks) :( I am soooo looking forward to that day!! Trust me you will get to read all about it!
As far as how I am feeling... FINALLY I'm feeling human again! With the exception of some heartburn and restless nights the morning sickness is gone. I am sure if you ask my husband I am more as crazy and hormonal than ever! hahaha!! But that's to be expected.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

It was killing me (and I am sure my mom too) that we had not seen each other since I found out I was pregnant. With that in mind I decided last minute to go home and surprise her. I packed my bags Friday night when I got home from work ate some diner and got to bed early...I knew Saturday was going to be a fun but long day!

Got on the road Saturday around 8 am and made it to mom's house by 11 am. It was so wonderful to get a great big hug from her. I knew she was excited and happy to see me by the smile on her face. I knew right away this was the best mother's day gift I could have given her. We got some yummy breakfast (I have been dying for pancakes hahaha!!!) Then off to the mall to go maternity cloths shopping.

When we got to the store we scanned all the racks and started grabbing everything. Before I knew it we each had two giant arm fulls of cloths. Now it was off to the giant dressing room where I tried everything on and mom critiqued... it was actually fun shopping for a change!

Did I ever express how much I LOVE maternity cloths. Everything fit perfectly(which for you bigger girls you know how much that can be an issue)!!!!! Then to top it off I finally look pregnant in maternity cloths not just fat. FINALLY! And maternity pants yeah you feel like a dork w/ elastic waist bands but can i say COMFY!!!

We left the dressing room with most of what we went in with hahaaha!!! I must say that was the most successful and quickest shopping trips I think I have ever taken.

We ran some other errands at Target and Lowes and then it was finally time for diner. We were exhausted and hungry!!! (heck i am always hungry lately) I was sooo pumped to find out we were getting Japanese. I have been itching for some good Japanese and I just haven't found a place I trust back home. Diner was outstanding as always!!!

With full bellies and tired feet we went home and got into comfy cloths to eat some ice cream and veg in front of the TV... where I promptly fell asleep! It was nice to have my mom wake me up and put me to bed again... just like when I was a little girl!! I miss that! Soon enough I will be doing that for my child.... how fast life changes!!!

Sunday was filled with breakfast at mom & dad's and chatting at the table with my parents. I was sad to leave but I knew I couldnt stay forever. I had work the next day and a fair amount of work that needed to be done at home before Monday came. Its always sad to leave but now more than ever I have a reason to vist home more often!! I am looking forward to the next time i see my parents and get to hug them again. Until then our long chats at night will have to do.

Happy mother's day mom... I had a great time!!! I love you!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

11 weeks check in...

So here it is... my belly @ 11 weeks (more specifically 12 weeks in 2 days)! I have been really bad w/ doing my belly pictures so i thought no better time than now!!

My belly feels GIANT to me... I know it is only going to get bigger.. but i am looking forward to it!! I am sure a good portion of my belly is bloating but some of it is has to be baby/uterus. I no longer fit into any of my pants and now some of my shirts are starting to look awful on me. I either have to wear maternity pants or my bella band otherwise i would have nothing to wear.

I finally did a little maternity shopping over the weekend, but I did not come back w/ much, just 1 shirt and 2 pairs of pants. Kohl's didn't have that great of a maternity section, i find i have to shop in multiple places to get a nice variety. I never thought maternity shopping would be so hard, but i look forward to doing more of it!!

I have been keeping track of the the baby's development (via multiple websites). My favorite website says that the baby is the size of a lime by week 11. I actually read last night that by 10/11 weeks your uterus is no longer behind your pubic bones and is now partially only covered by your skin. So i suppose my belly is not all bloat?? Its so amazing to know my baby is growing so fast. in two days the baby will be the size of a plum and apparently all of the major organs are formed.. it time to GROW!!!

Scary...I actually had someone at work the other day ask me if i was pregnant!!!! Could have been the maternity shirt I had on but none the less still crazy that someone could tell!

We are anxiously looking forward to our next appointment when we will get to hear the baby's heartbeat again
(i am going to try to remember to record it this time... maybe if you're lucky i will figure out how to get the heartbeat on the blog hahaa) Then the next milestone is 19 weeks when we get our 1st ultra sound. If we are lucky we will find out the sex of the baby!!!! I am also looking forward to feeling the baby move!!! There is just so much to look forward to.

Well that all that's new for now i will be doing my best to update more often!!


Friday, May 1, 2009

2nd OB Appointment

Yeah!!! appointment #2... April 24th 2009- 10 weeks

We got to hear the heartbeat!!! It was soooo amazing. It didn't register that it was coming from inside me. It was so nice to have a little validation that i in fact am pregnant.

When the doctor was about to put the heart monitor thing on my belly he asked if i had something to record the sound... it dawned on me i had not prepared for this moment!! i had nothing to record my baby's first heartbeat! But i quickly realized God willing there will be another 30 weeks i get to hear a heartbeat and then a lifetime of hugs and kisses after that! Lets just say i will be much more prepared the next appointment.

We asked when we would get our 1st ultrasound and the doctor said since everything seems normal we wont get one until 19 weeks. Admittedly i was a little disappointed. Everything I read online some women are getting their 1st ultrasound at 8 weeks but on average 10-12 weeks. So needless to say I was a little worried and upset. I have to place that worry on God and trust in Him that everything will be fine. Waiting until 19 weeks will just make our 1st ultra sound that much more special... hopefully we will get to find out the sex that day also.

Not too much more to report about the 2nd ob appointment. I will say that hearing the heart beat of our beautiful babies was unlike anything i have experienced to date in my life. I can only imagine how i will feel the first time i get to see my baby!!!

Morning sickness... what ass named it that??

Morning sickness hahaha!! Try like all day sickness. I know I am blessed b/c so far so good no vomiting yet! But this all day nauseousness i could do w/o!!!!!

I have found that as long as I eat I don't feel sick... at this rate I will be 400 pounds. But hey i wont get sick all over myself! I have been trying to stick to 5-ish small meals a day.

I did so great the first week or two. I ate a ton of protein and veggies and tried to eat very balanced meals...but now i am lucky to get down anything that is not carbs! I am taking prenatal vitamins so doctor says no need to push myself during this time. By what I have read the baby is still in a little sac and hasn't started to feed entirely off of me yet.. so my diet can get a little nasty until i feel better. I am looking forward to this phase being over!!!

Our First OB/GYN appointment

March 20, 2009- 5 weeks

I was told our first appointment would be the longest so i decided to take a 1/2 day and have Mike pick me up at work. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and off to the doctos office. When we got there we were greeted by a nurse named Debbie. She met with us for 30 min to take a history and answer any questions we had. Then we met w/ our OB. It was a typical exam except we talked about do's and dont's of pregnancy and he answered any other questions we had. The doctor said everything seemed normal and we would need to meet again in 5 weeks. At that time he said we might get to hear the heartbeat. Our expected due date would be Novemeber 19, 2009!!!! After that we were sent to the lab for a series of typical bloodwork.

It all still seemed unreal! It was too early for any ultrasound or to hear the heartbeat. We were left with some advice and best wishes. The doctors never said we were not pregnant ... so it must be true???

We got home that night and I imediately dove into the goodie bag of magazines and articles the doctor gave us. I could finally look at baby stuff w/o feeling guilty!!

Holy Cow... we are.....PREGNANT!!!

It's true... its really true! We are really pregnant. It was 8:00 am (I was late for work as usual) on March 11, 2009. I was alone in the bathroom about to take a shower. Mike was at training and unreachable by phone!!!! I literally ran in circles jumping around not knowing what to do first. The dogs looked at me like i was a mad woman.. and they were right i was mad w/ excitement!

I sent a picture message to Mike praying he could see it and call me back. After waiting 10 minutes and no answer i decided to take a shower and go to work. As I walked out the door I knew today would be a wasted day there is no way i could concentrate with such great news. I felt like i was about to explode. I wanted Mike to be the first to know but my gut was telling me i would be lucky if i heard from him at lunch. I knew i could never make it that long!!

I grabbed my cell as i pulled out the driveway (as i would any day) to chat w/ my mom for a few minutes before work. As I dialed the phone I tortured myself wondering if i was going to tell her or wait to tell Mike first. I was insisting I HAD to tell Mike first... but the excitement was tearing me apart. As my mom answered the phone I couldn't control myself... I spilled the beans!!

As the words "I'm pregnant" came out of my mouth it felt like a dream. Unfortunately the dream had to wait.. i was late for work and had to get in as fast as i could. Finally around 11:30 my phone rang... it was MIKEY!!! I picked up and ran to where no one at work could hear me. We talked about the test and how silly i was that morning. I expressed how I wished he had been there and how I wish we could both leave work and just spend the day in excited bliss. unfortunately work couldn't wait... we both went back and promised to talk more that night.

I got home extremely excited to run in and share my joy with my husband!! Mike was already home and had diner started. We spent diner talking about what to do next, baby names, and other fun baby stuff. After diner we took another test... it was just as wonderfully positive as the first one.

It was true.. we were finally pregnant! Our life will never be the same... but in the most beautiful and amazing way!