Friday, September 11, 2009

30 week belly pic!!

Well there it is..... my giant 30 week belly!!! I was told that i would regret that belly button ring i had gotten in college... well now it looks sooo gross and i certainly do regret it!!! I'm going to admit all this belly is making moving, sleeping, sitting and laying VERY difficult. I still have 8 weeks of growing to do which is even scarier, but we wan those babies to grow grow grow so i will take the discomfort!!!
We had our first Non stress Test (NST) on Thursday and it went great!!! Baby A was hard to hear at first but she passed right away (w/in 15 min) and Baby B was a bit lazier but finally passed after 25 min. I wasn't having any real contractions just have an "irritated uterus" which means its starting to run out of room but not reacting by causing labor yet!
I was so proud the babies did so great especially when the tech said that babies at 30 weeks (let alone twins) rarely pass the first time. My little guys are beating the odds from day one!!! The are already making mommy and daddy very proud!
Well sitting at the computer is getting harder and harder everyday so i need to get going and lay down for bed!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

29 Week Check in...

I cant believe we are already at 29 weeks!! Only 70 +/- days left!!! Mike and I are sooooo excited to finally meet our beautiful babies.

I had to take the 3 hr glucose test last week... can we say BORING!!!!!!! I got to the hospital at 7 am and of course didn't get taken back until 7:45 am. I had to get my blood drawn then drink a small bottle of this flat lemon lime soda. I must have a strong sweet tooth b/c it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Then i was sent back to the waiting room for an hour. After 1 hr I went back and had more blood drawn. I repeated this another 2 times and finally at 10:45 am i had my last blood draw taken. I could FINALLY eat and get back to work.

I had an ob/gyn appointment the following day. Well good news i passed the 3 hr glucose test!! Dr.M answered some questions i had and checked the babies heartbeats. They sounded great and Dr. M was very happy. While listening to the heartbeat Dr. M seemed to have phased out and then finally said "ya know what after doing the math in my head... normally twins are small but these guys are BIG!" He said this was a great thing and that they seem to be growing great! I couldn't be happier! Dr. M measured the size of my belly and it was measuring at 37cm. I think that would typically be a 37 week pregnant woman hahahaha!!! Boy i got a big belly!! :) Dr. M informed me that at 30 weeks i need to start going to the hospital 1x a week for non stress test, where they will put the babies on heart monitors and i think we will also be getting an ultrasound. SO we are scheduled for all the non stress tests and ultra sounds through til 36 weeks!!

We are coming down to the home stretch! I pray everyday these little guys stay in as long as possible! For as uncomfy or tired i might be we have come too far to go early!!

I'm off to do some laundry and lay on the couch like a beached whale hahaha! More updates soon!!!
