Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tooo Funny NOT to Share!!!

Last night the M&Ms were getting their baths... Michaella was first as usual. I got the water all nice and warm and we were using the tub in the infant position (not newborn) for the 1st time... so it was already an exciting time. We usually bath them in the kitchen sink (its easier on Mommy's back) and normally i don't have to worry about them reaching for things... well those days are over!!!!!!

No sooner did i put Michaella down and she looked around grabbed the bottle brush and tried to get it in her mouth!!!!! I would normally say YUCK but I tend to be a bit of a clean freak when it come to baby stuff so i laughed it off and told daddy to run and get the camera (Thank God he was home other wise i would have missed a funny memory!!)

Tooo cute!!!!

Michaella apparently didn't think mommy was doing a good enough job??

Happy 4 months to the M&Ms

I cant believe its been 4 months!!! They have grown so much from those first days. They laugh, giggle and hold things. They now like to play w/ each other and have started talking to each other a little. I swear the other day Mikey started crying and Michaella reached over to hold his hand but only managed to whack him in the head hahaha!! They have their 4 mo check up next week.. i am so excited to see how much they weigh and how Dr. S thinks they are doing.
Things have gotten easier and i have even ventured out alone w the both of them. Everyday its something new. I cant wait to see what the future has to hold!



Smile for the camera!!

Best Friends!!

Drooly faces!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

A few of our favorite things...

Mommy said we could write a post since daddy got to write one. So we (Mikey & Kayla) wanted to share a few of our favorite things (in no particular order!)
This is little Ms Butterfly... she makes us smile when we are in the kitchen
This is our piano... mommy said we have to learn to play an instrument and since we cant really use our hands so well yet we thought banging away w/ our feet would be fun.. and it is!!
This is our trippy mobile that mommy got for $18 at the consignment shop down the street (normally $40 in Babies R Us) This is by far our favorite toy.. It has our "friends" hanging from it as well as some fun black and white patterns and fun things that move as it spins. Let us introduce our "friends" ....

This is Mr. Goat (he is funny)

This is Mr. Donkey (he is Kayla's favorite!!)

This is Ms. MoooCow... By far Mikey's favorite

This is Mr Froggy rattle... Mrs. Michelle came over with her little boy Nate who is just a little younger than us and he shared this fun toy with us. We liked it so much mommy picked one up for us when she went out to Target the next day!!! Thanks Mrs. Michelle and Nate!!!
Here i (Kayla) am playing w/ Mr Froggy rattle

Ahhh Mr. Lion was our very first toy. Santa brought him on Christmas!!

This is our newest toy... its a weird knot thing that has lots to grab onto. This is my (Mikey) favorite new toy.. check me out playing with it....

Then every night mommy puts all of our favorite toys on our play mat and this is where we play for a while after dinner.
As if there couldn't be MORE fun things... but there is....

We are getting pretty good at our Bumbo seats and will actually play in them for a while now especially if mommy puts us on the kitchen counter.. plus its kinda nice to not be on our backs or bellies for a change!
your probably asking yourself what do we like to do when we are looking for a little excitement... we RACE!!!!!

Then when we are looking to chill a little we like something to put in our mouths...

I (Mikey) like to put my fingers in my mouth (mommy said something about me teething that's why?)
I (Kayla) LOVE to suck on my thumb and mommy will often find me asleep in my bouncy chair/play mat/ crib with my thumb in my mouth and she didn't have to rock me or anything... this makes mommy really happy for some reason?!?!?
We cant forget about our monsters
Then when we want a good laugh mommy and daddy can ALWAYS do the trick!!!

But the best toy of all is each other!!!!

Michaella try's cereal for the 1st time!

I noticed about a week before this video was taken (02/22/10) that Michaella was watching her brother eat his cereal. I also noticed she would watch me eat. These were all signs she is getting ready for solids. Well on 2/22/10 i decided that it would be fun to see how she handles a spoon and what cute face she might make at her first taste of rice cereal.

Check out the video below.... (its cut apart so make sure you watch the whole thing. I deleted the scenes where Mikey was getting his cereal)


Stay Tuned... Battle of the crib remach soon!!!

Stay tuned for "The Battle of the Crib- The RE-MATCH!!!"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Battle of the Crib (Daddy's1st post!!!)

The battle of the crib has begun..In this corner weighing in at 14 pounds is junior lightweight "Lightening Fists Michaella" hailing from the mean streets of Paci Land fighting in the blue shirt of passion.

In this corner weighing in at 16.5 pounds is middleweight "Hammering Hamhocks for Hands Mikey" wearing the green spit covered shirt and hailing from the land of "Fud" (food).

And the first round appears to have gone to Mikey with Michaella showing signs of being winded, she's trying to regroup in her corner.

Mikey appears ready for round two, mouthpiece is place for protection as the bell rings...

Oh, what a show, Michaells is showing signs of getting tired...Mikey's been training for this day for the last few months and his conditioning is starting to really show in these late rounds...

And Michaella is down, winded and it appears maybe ready to throw in the towel. It doesn't look good for her, her trainer is yelling encouragement from the sidelines but wait...

Mikey comes out strong in this final round, with no hesitation at all. He has been relentless in these last few rounds and appears....yes it looks like he might be able to pull off the upset of the "Battle of the Crib". He has floated like a rubber ducky and landed like a wet diaper this entire match. But wait....

Oh the humanity!! Oh the finish...Michaella has done the impossible and won!!! Mikey could not respond to her final few seconds of fury and Michaella has done it. She has retained her title, first won during the Battle of the Womb in October 2009 and will defend it again in a yet to be unnamed rematch. Oh the finish, oh the sportsmanship that these two have shown today look how they greet each other at the end.

I will beat her next time, I will get the title.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Picures too cute to NOT share...

I've been on a picture taking spree this last week or so and got some really cute shots of the M&M's so rather than bore you with writing i thought i would just show you what fun we have been having lately...
"Ohhh the humanity!!!"
"You wanna a piece of me??"
"What mom... spit happens"

Chow time in the mess hall aka kitchen

Mikey getting all GQ on us

"sooo mom i thought these things were supposed to have food on them??"
"Im not as think as you drunk i am osssifer... no i wont give you my keys!!"
"MOM... her tray has better toys than mine" .... "NNOOO MOM his tray has better toys than MINE!!!"
"Mom she's touching me!" ... "No im not he is a taddel tail!!!!"

Size Comparison

We were getting the M&Ms ready for the day and the M&Ms were both laying in the crib in just their diapers. Mike and I were taken back by the size difference between them. Thankfully Mikey is the larger of the two hahaha. Despite the size difference they both seem to be growing great but we will know more next week at their 4 month check up.. how exciting!
Mikey was 16.2 pounds last week when i took him to Dr.S for his reflux and when i got on the scale w/ Michaella she was between 14 & 15 pounds. Mikey is clearly much taller than Michaella though its hard to see in the pics. His hands and feet are MASSIVE where as Michaella's are dainty and feminine. Though Mikey is heavy i think for 3 months i would by no means call him fat he is EXTREMELY solid unfortunately Michaella is a little chubadutes.. but she makes chubby look ADORABLE! They seem to be growing like bean sprouts and its something new and amazing everyday.
They may be twins but they are certainly two different kids. Michaella was born w/ VERY dark hair and it looks like its coming back in dark (she lost most of it the last few weeks). She has the bluest eyes and definitely wears the pants in this house. Mikey is much more reserved but a giant mama's boy to say the least. He has always had Mike's color hair (light brown) and he appears to have either green/hazel eyes or they may be turning brown. Even their skin tone and complexion is totally different. Michaella doesn't have olive skin but she has a darker complexion and never had baby acne. Mikey is a little lighter skin toned and has had bouts of acne and other tiny blemishes.
When we are out and about many people say "ohh they look so much a like" I honestly don't see it?!?!? To me they couldn't be more different. They are fraternal twins (hence the boy/girl) they are no more alike that a normal brother and sister they just happen to share mommies tummy.
TO me they are night and day and i cant get over how much they are changing and growing everyday. Well you be the judge for yourself maybe i just have mommy vision...
They may appear to be the same length in this picture but if i had to guess Mikey is probably 2 inches if not more longer than Michaella
Here you can kind of see how much more massive/solid Mikey is than Michaella
Look at the adorable feet... i swear Mikey has a size 12 shoe hahaha just kidding.

Michaella has the prettiest most dainty hands and Mikey has strong big hands

And i just thought this pic was funny so i put it on here... "what the heck is dad doing mom??"
I feel so blessed to have TWO beautiful healthy happy babies. God is so amazing! They are the center of my universe and some days it may be hard and i wonder what 1 baby would be like... but i would never trade this for the world. Its amazing to see how you raise 2 children relatively the same and they can be 2 totally separate people. I know they are boy/girl but they couldn't be more different if i tried to make them that way. It just shows that God is awesome and from day one they were born with amazing little fun personalities. Every night i lay in bed after tucking them in a wonder what they will be like when they are 1...5... 16... or 25. I love this its like an amazing movie that just goes on and on and never stops it gets better everyday and all the new twists and turns keep you enchanted. You wonder what could possibly be around the next bend and how could things get any better. But things get better everyday and new exciting adventure happen every day. Even if God said to me today i will let you see into the future to see what your kids will be like i don't think i would... this ride is wayyyyy too much fun i don't want to spoil the ending!!!!!!