Mommy said we could write a post since daddy got to write one. So we (Mikey & Kayla) wanted to share a few of our favorite things (in no particular order!)
This is little Ms Butterfly... she makes us smile when we are in the kitchen
This is our piano... mommy said we have to learn to play an instrument and since we cant really use our hands so well yet we thought banging away w/ our feet would be fun.. and it is!!
This is our trippy mobile that mommy got for $18 at the consignment shop down the street (normally $40 in Babies R Us) This is by far our favorite toy.. It has our "friends" hanging from it as well as some fun black and white patterns and fun things that move as it spins. Let us introduce our "friends" ....
This is Mr. Goat (he is funny)
This is Mr. Donkey (he is Kayla's favorite!!)
This is Ms. MoooCow... By far Mikey's favorite
This is Mr Froggy rattle... Mrs. Michelle came over with her little boy Nate who is just a little younger than us and he shared this fun toy with us. We liked it so much mommy picked one up for us when she went out to Target the next day!!! Thanks Mrs. Michelle and Nate!!!
Here i (Kayla) am playing w/ Mr Froggy rattle
Ahhh Mr. Lion was our very first toy. Santa brought him on Christmas!!
This is our newest toy... its a weird knot thing that has lots to grab onto. This is my (Mikey) favorite new toy.. check me out playing with it....
Then every night mommy puts all of our favorite toys on our play mat and this is where we play for a while after dinner.
As if there couldn't be MORE fun things... but there is....
We are getting pretty good at our Bumbo seats and will actually play in them for a while now especially if mommy puts us on the kitchen counter.. plus its kinda nice to not be on our backs or bellies for a change!
your probably asking yourself what do we like to do when we are looking for a little excitement... we RACE!!!!!
Then when we are looking to chill a little we like something to put in our mouths...
I (Mikey) like to put my fingers in my mouth (mommy said something about me teething that's why?)
I (Kayla) LOVE to suck on my thumb and mommy will often find me asleep in my bouncy chair/play mat/ crib with my thumb in my mouth and she didn't have to rock me or anything... this makes mommy really happy for some reason?!?!?
We cant forget about our monsters
Then when we want a good laugh mommy and daddy can ALWAYS do the trick!!!
But the best toy of all is each other!!!!