Mikey and Michaella have been growing in leaps and bounds!! This means play time gets more exciting everyday. They are awake longer and trying new things everyday. For instance just the other night i put a rattle in their hands and they were able to hold it... now i am sure they didn't mean to shake it but the joy the had when they saw this fun thing waving around in their hand. If that wasn't exciting enough now when they lay on their play mat they bat at the toys hanging from it instead of just staring at them. And just the other night Michaella reached up and grabbed one of the toys and held on to it... Mikey on the other hand bats and kicks at the toys full force and gets such joy when he connects with them (typical boy).
They also LOVE the toys Santa brought them for Christmas especially when mommy is running around the den singing and dancing for them... so do they really love the toy or just their crazy mommy???
On days that we are in a good mood and full of energy (usually in the morning) we give our bumbo seats a try and enjoy the world from a sitting position. This works their necks out and gets their poor head a rest from being on something all the time. Then usually after an hour or two of playing they get stressed out and need some down time. This is where they will lay in their crib and watch their trippy mobile... kicking, swinging and cooing till its time for a nap.
Everyday its something new and exciting... i cant wait to share many more pics of many more firsts!!
The M&Ms de-stressing under the mobile
Its bumbo seat time!!!!
Mikey holding his rattle for the 1st time
It's music time!!!!
Michaella holding the rattle for the 1st time