The last ob/gyn visit was exciting hearing the news from the doc and all he had to discuss. We talked about everything from the birthing options to nutrition. Seems i am anemic and this is common with multiples. I was put on iron supplements and told to eat more. My water intake was increased as well. If i thought eating and drinking for 1 baby was hard... eating for 2 babies is even harder. I was never a small girl and never was told that i am not eating enough... hahaha I kind of like this.
As of right now Dr.M says the babies look great and are both (at the time of the ultra sound) 10oz. There is only a 10% difference between baby A and baby B which is very good and very normal! They both had really good heartbeats at he doc visit and we finally got to hear both heartbeats... it was so amazing! i can not wait to see them again in a week and a half! Due to the fact that we are having twins our appointments are now closer and i will be receiving more ultrasounds. As our due date gets closer the appointments will increase and so will the ultra sounds. Then starting 30 weeks we will have to go to the hospital to have their hearts monitored. Lots of tests and lots of doctors visits but its all worth it to ensure our babies are doing great!
I'm off to go pick a paint color for the babies room!!! its so exciting to start decorating!