Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Good things come in twos!!!!
It all started out very normal. The tech gooped up my belly and used the wand thingy to rub the gel all around but she stopped right away and turned to me to ask... "Has anybody told you anything yet?" My heart instantly sunk and i almost started crying. I answered "no". The tech smiled and said "well there is two in there". I instantly started crying and shaking... i looked over at Mike who was standing at my feet. He had apparently seen the two heads pop across the screen and he was grinning from ear to ear! It was an amazing moment for the both of us! In a matter of seconds our lives have changed forever but in an exciting scary way!
The ultra sound took forever b/c Baby B was sitting on top of his sister making the techs life very hard to get good shots of her. Over all we were in the room for almost 2 hours! The tech said by what she saw they both look very healthy. Baby A's heart rate was 128 BPM and Baby B was 141 BPM. One of them measured 19 weeks 2 days gestation and the other was 19 weeks and 5 days... unfortunately we didn't find out who was who.
It was so exciting to see our babies for the first time! We got to see Baby's B little face but he was being a camera hog hahaha! The tech went through their entire anatomy from kidneys to heart to bladder. It was amazing what they can see when they are that small! Unfortunately since baby B was hogging the camera we will have to go back to get the rest of Baby A's anatomy. Hopefully our little girl will beat her brother up a little and get her moment in the spot light!!! While the tech was performing the ultra sound it was amazing how much they were both moving and how much i could feel.
The whole experience will be something Mike and i will never forget! Its still a little surreal but we are starting to wrap our head around it! I cant wait to share more i am sure we will have lots to share!
mommy, Daddy, Baby A & Baby B!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Less than 24 hours!!!
Admittedly i am a little nervous about tomorrow. What if there is something wrong with the baby, what if... what if... what if a million things have been running through my head!!!??? I don't know if i could handle bad news right now... it has been a very stressful week and weekend i could really use some exciting good news right now.
On a happy note!!!! Yesterday i was sitting on the couch talking to Mike before he went to work and i felt this weird little quick twitch from the inside of my belly. It was strong and felt very much what i imagined a kick might feel like. I sat quiet for 5-10 minutes and it happened again. I was so excited... Mike just looked at me funny and asked me why i was holding my belly. I could see his face light up when i told him what i felt. I cant wait until he can feel it too! I was happy it happened a few more times all w/in an hour from the original kick. Then i guess the baby decided it was uncomfy and flipped b/c i haven't felt it that strong since, but i have felt the baby a tiny bit.
We have our next OB/Gyn appointment a week from today (07/06/09). I will be anxious to hear what the doctor has to say about our ultra sound! I pray tomorrow the tech will be allowed to tell us the baby's sex and i don't have to wait for our ob appointment!!! I cannot wait to put our baby's first pic up here for everyone to see!!
Well lunch is almost over and i have to get back to work! We miss everyone very much! xoxoxox
Sunday, June 21, 2009
It's about time... 18 week 4 day belly pic!!
Each day i feel different sensations in my belly. This makes me more and more convinced than i am feeling the baby!! I cannot wait to be able to share the joy of feeling the baby with Mike. He loves to touch my belly as it is and his favorite thing to do is stick his finger in my belly button like its a popper on a turkey and he wants to see how far along i am hahaha! Its very CUTE! We are both very convinced my belly button will be an outy in no time!
Happy Father's day!!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
18 week check in....
Apparently the baby is becoming increasingly mobile "yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching and swallowing" I think the last few days the "bubbles" i have been feeling in my belly are most likely the baby! I cant wait until when i feel something i can say for certain is the baby and not gas hahaha!
I have been doing OK but have been having killer back aches and i have been extremely exhausted. I called the ob/gyn on Monday to see if they should check my thyroid again. The doctor sent me that day to get some blood drawn and heard back from the ob on Friday saying everything was fine but my GP received a copy of the blood work and she was concerned i was a bit anemic. That would explain the fatigue, racing heart & overall yucky feeling. Good news is the anemia unless it gets out of control wont affect the baby but my thyroid could and that was normal. So i feel better knowing the baby seems to be doing well and not at risk. I have been trying to eat better and more often. I have started some "baby" yoga and other exercise things we can get "on demand". Hopefully it helps.
I have been very sore all over... back ache, feet hurt, hips hurt cant sleep but I did put on about 10 pounds at my last appointment so i am sure the sudden weight gain has a lot to do with my body revolting on me. Since i saw that 10 pound gain at my last appointment i have been trying my best to eat as healthy as i can. I know weight gain is expected and healthy... just don't want to gain too much or too little (which is NEVER a problem for me hahah!)
Despite all the yucky aches and pains i wouldn't trade the ability to be a mom for anything! i am desperately awaiting our 1st ultra sound... which is in 9 days! Hopefully our little one wont be shy and we can find out what we are having and we can finally stop saying "the baby" or "little one" or any other silly name that strikes me at the time! I also can not wait for that first glimpse of what our baby looks like. Just the thought of seeing his/her adorable little face for the first time is overwhelming!!
Well off to have a snack before bed!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
16 week belly!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
16 week check in!
I was 16 weeks as of yesterday (Thursday) The baby is about the size of an avocado. This week the bones in baby's ears are forming and now he/she can hear mom and dads voice!!! Small but important things are happening to baby right now... eyebrows, lashes & hair are starting to fill in and the taste buds are forming. Let the growth spurts begin!!!! in the next few weeks baby will double in weight and grow a few more inches!! Everyday baby is taking on his/her final shape. Ears are now almost set in their location, eyes are getting closer together and his/her head is more erect.
As far as i am concerned i am feeling much MUCH better!!! With the exception of my heart racing now and again which can take my breath away i feel great. The doctor told me it was normal and as long as i don't get dizzy or faint its just from the increased blood flow my body has to work on. My belly is definitely starting to look more and more pregnant each day. I swear i think i grew some more over night!!! I think when i go out people don't wonder "gee is she just chunky in the middle?" i think they say "ohh look at the pregnant lady!" I'm sure the maternity shirts help clarify some questions hahaha!!! I PROMISE to get an updated belly picture on ASAP! Unfortunately I cant feel the baby move yet but its only a matter of time (My doctor said on average you can feel the baby as early as 16 weeks but its typically around the 19-20 week mark when moms first feel the baby) and chances are since this is my 1st pregnancy i wont know it when its happening anyway hahaha!! But trust me i am keeping my senses peeled hahaha!!
We had our monthly check up last Friday. (15 weeks) It was very cute b/c Mike was at training for work until 4 pm but we scheduled my appointment for 4 anyhow. From his past experiences training has never gone to 4 before so he assumed he might be a few minutes late but he would get there. I called him at 3:45 when i walked in the doctors office to sign in and left a message saying i was there. He called at 3:55 (to my surprise they had already placed me in a room) saying he was still taking a test for training... and asked if i could do something to hold the doctor off. He said that he really wanted to be there to hear the baby again. That melted my heart so i went out to the nurses station and explained my situation to the doctor and nurse they just smiled and said not to worry. I went back out to the waiting room and waited for Mikey to show up. Around 4:15 he showed up upset he was late but very happy to see me waiting for him. We told the nurse he had arrived and we were back in a room w/in a few minutes. The doctor came in and Mike thanked him for doing him that favor. I just wanted to squeeze him until his head popped b/c i was so pleased w/ how much he wanted to be apart of that special moment.
The appointment went great we got to hear the baby's heart beat again (which i promised i would get on here... and i am still working on getting it off my phone and on to the computer!) Mike asked if Dr. M if he knew the wives tale about the heart being fast it was a girl and if it was slow it was a boy. Dr.M just smiled and said yes. Mike looked at Dr. M and said...sooo?? Dr. M laughed and said to be 100% honest the baby's heart beat is perfect middle of the road and told Mike to wait for the ultra sound before painting a room hahaha! Then mikes curiosity got the best of him. He asked Dr. M what the chances of us having twins in there were and if with certainty he could rule it out. Dr.M smiled again and said "there is still a good chance you could have twins and we cant catch it on the heart monitor" But told mike again to wait for the ultra sound before jumping the gun.
We talked about the scary stuff like genetic testing w/ Dr. M and opted to forgo any testing/dangerous procedures b/c we wanted to ensure the baby's safety. If its in God's plan for us to have a sick baby then its in His plan not much we can do with that info ahead of time! Then what i was waiting for since i 1st found out i was pregnant... i finally got my slip to go for an ultra sound!!! I was told to schedule it 3-5 days before my next appointment which is July 7th. I scheduled our very 1st ultra sound for June30 at 8 am!!!! I can not wait to share our baby's very 1st picture!!!
So over all the baby seems healthy.. mom is healthy and dad is excited! I cant wait to share more and i hope everyone is doing well!!!
XOXOX Love, mom and baby!!